
Mud Blue Sky​


Marisa Wegyzyn

January 17 – February 8, 2025

directed by Annie Slivinski

produced by Debi Gits-Joseph

A high school pot dealer abandons his prom night to crash the hotel-room reunion of three flight attendants (all old enough to be his mother.) Booze flows, weed is smoked, the room blurs and futures, careers and kindness snap sharply into focus. A profoundly compassionate and fiercely witty play.

Please be advised that this production may include simulated smoking on stage using props to resemble marijuana, as part of the artistic portrayal of the characters and setting. No actual marijuan or tobacco products are being used during the performance.


Debbie Roberts

as Beth

Meredith Brasher

as Angie

Tina Shelley

as Sam

Octavio Montes DeOca

as Jonathan

production staff

Stage Manager

Jack Smith

Set Design

Andy Joseph

Set Construction

Dave Dolnics, Steve Peterson, Andy Joseph, Rich Gannon
